How Much Car Insurance Increase Because of Speeding Ticket

Getting a speeding ticket is one of the most common ways to raise your car insurance premiums. In almost every case, one violation will affect your costs, and more tickets will compound how much they go up.

Tickets most often stay on your driving record for approximately three years. A speeding ticket raises rates by 21.2% on average, based on our analysis of a three-state sample.

How much a ticket might affect your insurance prices can be influenced by other factors, such as your driving record, how fast you were going and which company insures your car.

  • How much a speeding ticket raises your insurance rates
    • State-by-state impact of a speeding ticket
    • Will a 5-over ticket affect rates?
    • How multiple tickets raise rates
  • Ways to limit how a ticket raises rates
  • How long a ticket impacts insurance rates

How much a speeding ticket can raise your insurance rates

A speeding ticket will raise your auto insurance premiums in almost every situation. How much it goes up varies widely by location and with a driver's given background.

A speeding ticket raised rates 21.2%, or $357 per year, for a full-coverage car insurance policy, based on our three-state analysis from Ohio, Illinois and Alabama.That was for a 30-year-old driver who got just one ticket for driving between 11 and 15 miles per hour over the speed limit.

This graph lists insurance rates with and without speeding tickets for five major insurers.

Find Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes after a Speeding Ticket

How much insurance rates increased after a ticket ranged from 8.7% to 37%. Those changes were similar whether a driver had full or minimum coverage.

Among the top five major auto insurers, State Farm consistently raised its rates the least for a first speeding ticket. Across states, the effect of a ticket was less than a 10% rise in premiums with State Farm, or about $92 per year.

USAA's average premium increased by $238. Geico's increase was $388.

Getting a ticket can be a moment when it makes sense to shop around for insurance. Your annual costs are likely set to go up, so looking around can allow you to mitigate some of that increase. The ticket won't impact your rates until you renew coverage, so you should shop around only when your policy is close to its expiration.

How one speeding ticket affects your insurance rates, by state

In every state, a speeding ticket will raise your rates on average by at least $187 if you have full-coverage auto insurance, based on our analysis. The state where rates increased the most was Connecticut, where a ticket added $1,310 on average to annual rates. In six states, that increase was more than $800.

We compiled state-by-state numbers tracking how a speeding ticket can impact your insurance rates.


Annual policy cost

With speeding ticket


Alabama $1,870 $2,360 26%
Alaska $1,576 $1,787 13%
Arizona $3,071 $3,933 28%
Arkansas $2,065 $2,466 19%
California $1,817 $2,699 49%
Colorado $3,120 $3,892 25%
Connecticut $2,753 $4,062 48%
Delaware $2,883 $3,392 18%
District of Columbia $2,714 $3,094 14%
Florida $3,230 $3,981 23%
Georgia $2,386 $2,767 16%
Hawaii $1,763 $2,047 16%

Show All Rows

Will a speeding ticket for 5-over affect your insurance rates?

A speeding ticket just over the limit will not only affect your car insurance, but will raise rates almost as much as a more serious ticket. The price of an annual policy with a ticket for driving 5 miles per hour over the limit was only 3.1% lower than one with a ticket for driving 11 to 15 miles per hour over.

Most major insurers had even less of an increase for the less serious ticket. Across the three states we considered, Geico, Progressive and USAA had nearly identical rates for each citation.

How multiple tickets can raise your auto insurance rates

In many cases, getting more speeding tickets will compound the impact of the first. Looking at Geico as an example, the first ticket increased rates more than 20%, while the second raised them 38% more.

All told, drivers with three speeding tickets paid between 66% and 110% more than a driver with no tickets across the three-state sample.

Number of tickets

Annual insurance rate increase

1 20.2%
2 66.8%
3 110.5%

How to limit a rate increase from a speeding ticket

In many cases, an increase in car insurance rates is almost inevitable following a speeding ticket. There are some options that can help in certain cases, but you should always check with your insurance company as to what steps you can take to reduce your rate.

In some situations, a defensive driving course will result in a ticket being dismissed. This isn't the case in all states. Other options can include various tactics in court, including contesting the ticket or asking the judge for opportunities to keep a ticket off your record.

Some states tie violations to points on a driver's license, and those points can impact how much insurance rates go up. In North Carolina, for instance, the correlation is put in writing as part of the Safe Driver Incentive Plan (SDIP) system.

Insurers can also set rates by driving record instead of license points. That means efforts to reduce points — for example, a defensive driving course — might not have any impact on your insurance rates.

How long a speeding ticket stays on your insurance

The typical traffic ticket will stay on your driving record for three years. That means a speeding citation could affect your insurance rates for about that long.

The time frame varies from state to state. In California, it will only stay on your driving record for 39 months. In contrast, a citation will stay on your record in Virginia for five years.

In most cases, your rate increases will be higher on your first policy after the speeding ticket and could decrease over time.

Frequently asked questions

How much does insurance go up after a speeding ticket?

We found that one speeding ticket will increase your insurance rates by 21.2% on average. However, the exact amount will vary based on your driving history, where you live and your insurer's rules.

How can I bring my rates down after a ticket?

The best ways to reduce your insurance bill after a ticket are to shop around for a cheaper insurer or take a driver education class, if your insurer allows it. Otherwise, your rates will return to normal over time.

Which is the cheapest insurer after a ticket?

We found that State Farm has the lowest rate increase after a ticket, at just 9% on average. But you may find a different rate increase based on your driving history.


We collected car insurance quotes from every ZIP code in Alabama, Ohio and Illinois. Our sample driver was a 30-year-old man with a 2015 Honda Civic. The driver was single and had a clean driving record outside the specified infractions.

The coverage limits in the study were set as follows:

Coverage type


Bodily injury liability $50,000 per person/$100,000 per accident
Property damage $25,000 per accident
Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury $50,000 per person/$100,000 per accident
Comprehensive and collision $500 deductible

The state-by-state rates draw from a ValuePenguin dataset taken from every ZIP code nationally.

The analysis used Quadrant Information Services to compile the insurance rate data, which were publicly sourced from insurer filings. Rates should be used for comparative purposes only. Your quote may be different, even if you match the profile used.

How Much Car Insurance Increase Because of Speeding Ticket


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